Frequently Asked Questions

We have obtained high-level estimates from several construction firms. Initial feedback suggests a budget of approximately 3 to 4 million dollars.

The Equip to Flourish Committee is at work to develop a fundraising campaign. We expect to reach out to a wide audience of potential donors beyond our immediate community. This is clearly a major undertaking, and the Committee has been meeting with other schools to learn how they planned and funded their building renovations. The Board and E2F Committee will continue to pray for God’s discernment and guidance as we raise funds for this campaign.

The fundraising campaign is scheduled to start in the fall of 2021 and is expected to run over approximately two years. The construction is in three phases with a total duration of approximately 1.5 to 2 years. The construction work that will be disruptive to the normal operation of the school will be scheduled to occur over the summer when the school is normally closed.

There will be some disruption but given the proposed phasing approach with major renovations occurring in the summer, the school will be safe and continue to operate.

With a long-term vision for the future, Willowdale Christian School will continue to thrive for the next 60 years and beyond. If nothing changes, the academic vision of the school will be limited by the existing physical structure and space of the school. The Board recognizes that this is an ambitious undertaking and continues to trust in the Lord’s guidance.

The school will easily accommodate approximately 200 students (10 classrooms with an average of 20 students per room). There is the option to add another floor to the proposed extension which would provide space for an additional 3 classrooms (about 60 students).

The proposed extension would be built over an area that is currently paved from just outside the Principal’s office towards the north end of the school. The footprint of the playground will change, but this will be reconfigured to make better use of the available grounds that are presently under-utilized (e.g. make better use of the baseball diamond area).

The idea of a daycare has been discussed, but it would introduce several complications that are likely impractical. The Board has decided to focus on enriching the school experience for JK to Grade 8.

While representatives from our Board have met with a member of the church leadership to discuss the E2F Campaign plans, the church has not expressed an interest towards a building project as a priority for the church.

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