Help equip students to flourish for Christ


The vision of Willowdale Christian School is to “equip all students to flourish spiritually, academically, emotionally, and socially to live a life of service for Christ.”

The E2F Campaign will enable the school to continue fulfilling its vision for the next 60 years and beyond through:

— enhancing the learning experience with a focus on spaces well designed for art, science, technology, and music

— renewing the existing facilities

— adding more classrooms and multi-purpose space


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E2F Campaign Goals

"May the God of peace…equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ.”  –Hebrews 13:20-21

  • Better Curriculum

    Enhanced Learning Experience

    Our new and renovated spaces will be designed to prioritize experiential and responsive learning as our students engage with a faith-based curriculum, exploring a Biblical worldview in all subject areas.

  • Facilities Renewal

    Facilities Renewal

    Our existing space will be renovated to include enhancements to classrooms, a visually pleasing entrance, a modernized kitchen, better change and storage rooms in the gym, and improved ventilation.

  • More Space

    Additional Space

    Two additional classrooms, two multi-purpose rooms, a central administration hub, and another set of washrooms will be added.

3D Equip to florish

3D Rendering

This rendering features one view of the renovated space that will include colourful and brightly-lit hallways, a welcoming administrative hub, and a potential use of one of the new multi-purpose rooms.



Jordan Fietje


When we walked into Willowdale Christian School for the first time, it just felt safe. The principal and teachers at WCS have created a warm and loving environment that we wanted our kids to be part of and nurtured in.

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Willowdale Christian School’s holistic approach to education was the perfect fit for us. Thank you for being part of our village in raising our children

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Lauren McMillan

former student

My education at Willowdale gave me a strong foundation both academically and spiritually. The positive experiences I had at WCS have encouraged me to have high expectations for my children’s learning as a parent.

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Cris Diomedi


Being part of WCS has been such a positive part of our lives, we are thankful to God for his love and blessing of this school.

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Hwang Family11

David & Chun-Va Hwang


We wanted a school that would work with us–not against us–as we raised our children in the training and instruction of the Lord. In the 15 years since that time, we have had no regrets, only thankfulness.

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